Workshop on ’The Potential of Utilizing South-South and Triangular Cooperation Mechanisms towards Alleviating Poverty in the OIC Region’
Date: 16-17 October 2024
Venue: Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara - Türkiye

Within the framework of its Poverty Alleviation Capacity Building Programme (PA-CaB), SESRIC, in collaboration with the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC), organised a Workshop on “The Potential of Utilizing South-South and Triangular Cooperation Mechanisms towards Alleviating Poverty in the OIC Region” on 16-17 October 2024 through an online video conferencing platform.

The workshop, organised on the occasion of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, brought together 58 representatives from the relevant Ministries and national institutions in charge of poverty alleviation in 26 OIC countries, as well as competent academicians and representatives of related OIC Institutions and UN Agencies.

The main aim of the workshop was to enhance the understanding of South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) mechanisms and their potential for poverty alleviation in the OIC countries. The activity facilitated the sharing of best practices, successful case studies, and lessons learnt from SSTC initiatives in member countries, while fostering networking and collaboration among the participating countries and international organisations for ongoing SSTC initiatives in poverty alleviation.

Over the course of two days, the workshop covered key topics, including:

  • Tackling Poverty for Sustainable Development – IsDB’s Reverse Linkage Mechanism;
  • Experience Sharing and Lessons Learnt from South-South and Triangular Initiatives;
  • Presentation on UNOSSC Managed Trust Funds;
  • Successful SSTC initiatives in the OIC region;
  • Building Bridges under SSTC / Türkiye-Azerbaijan Case in FAOSEC Region;
  • Expanding the Poverty Discourse: Use of Multidimensional Poverty Index in addressing Poverty in OIC Countries;

The presentations of the workshop are available at this link..

SESRIC developed and initiated its Poverty Alleviation Capacity Building Programme (PA-CaB) in 2011. The Programme aims to support and contribute to the efforts of the OIC Member Countries towards enhancing the institutional and human capacities of their national institutions working in the domain of poverty alleviation. Through various modalities, including training courses, workshops, and study visits, the Programme seeks to encourage the sharing and exchanging of information, experiences, and best practices among the OIC countries in this crucial domain.

For more information about SESRIC’s Poverty Alleviation Capacity Building Programme (PA-CaB) and its activities, please visit:
