Cotton is one of the most important crops in the world and is of particular importance in the OIC Member States, some of which are among the world’s largest producers. The OIC came up with a 5-year Action Plan on Cotton in 2006 to develop more practical ways and means for enhancing cooperation among the OIC Member States in the field of cotton production and trade, and to enable them to increase efficiency and effectiveness of the cotton sector.

The Cotton Capacity Building Programme (Cotton-CaB) was developed by SESRIC in 2006 within the framework of the implementation of the OIC 5-year Action Plan on Cotton to organise short and long term training courses in close collaboration with the Centres of Excellence specialized in cotton research and training in OIC Member States.

Questionnaire and Terms of Reference (ToR) Files

SESRIC urges all national cotton institutions in the OIC Member States to participate in the Cotton Capacity Building Programme. Their participation will help SESRIC to effectively plan and implement capacity building training activities and play an important role in the improvement of human capital in the OIC Member States.

The national cotton institutions are highly welcomed to download the related questionnaire, available in the three official languages of the OIC, from the links below:

►   Download the Questionnaire (English) (Arabic) (French)

The Terms of Reference need to be completed by the beneficiary institutions of the OIC Member States in order to identify the exact scope of the requested capacity building activities. The Terms of Reference can be downloaded from the links below:

►   Terms of Reference for Training Courses (English) (Arabic) (French)
►   Terms of Reference for Training Workshops (English) (Arabic) (French)
►   Terms of Reference for Study Visits (English) (Arabic) (French)

Register as an Expert

If you wish to be included in the Roster of Experts of the SESRIC Capacity Building Programmes (ROSCAB), please complete and submit the online registration form.

Please Click Here to access the ROSCAB registration page.

Main Subjects
Breeding & Biotechnology Using Molecular Techniques for Cotton Breeding Plant Physiology
Contamination Integrated Pest Management Hybridization
Using Molecular Techniques for Verticillium with Disease Crop Management Ginning
Biological Control Pedigree Selection Irrigation
Harvesting and Harvest Aid Plant Protection Quality Improvement
Agronomy Fertilization Fiber Technology
Disease Seed Quality and Preparation Soil Tillage
Crop Rotation Lint Quality Insects
Seed Delintation Other  


Implemented Activities
Venue Date Information
Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara Türkiye 14-16 February 2023 Training Course on ‘Productivity Enhancement of Cotton by Using Modern Agronomic Practices’
Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara Türkiye 27 April - 01 May 2020 Training Course on “Application of Advanced Technology for the Enhancement of Cotton Productivity”
Kampala Uganda 17-19 December 2019 Training Course on Myth of GM Technology to Combat Pest Losses of Cotton in Uganda
Ankara Türkiye 08-10 May 2018 Training Course on ‘Development of Sustainable Transgenic Technology, Commercialization and Post-release Monitoring’
Bursa Türkiye 05-07 March 2018 Training Course on ‘Genotyping by Sequencing Analysis’
Baku Azerbaijan 15-19 May 2017 Training Course on ‘Cotton Varieties and Efficient Cultivation Technologies’
Kampala Uganda 03-05 May 2017 Training Course on ‘Integrated Pest Management and Crop Management’
Lahore and Multan-Pakistan 12-16 December 2016 Practical and Theoretical Training Course on ‘The Use of Advanced Technology in Cotton Production’
Khartoum Sudan 04-05 October 2016 Training Course on ‘Using Molecular Techniques for Cotton Breeding’
Ankara Türkiye 29-31 March 2016 Training Course on “Mitigating the Devastating Effect of Lepidopteran Insect through Molecular and Conventional Breeding Approaches”
Dhaka Bangladesh 22-24 December 2015 Training Course on ‘Cotton Biotechnology: Advance Crop Management Technologies’
Namialo-Nampula Mozambique 06-07 October 2015 Training for Trainers on “Methods of Control of Pest, Disease and Weeds in Cotton”
Izmir Türkiye 03-05 August 2015 Cotton Conference on ‘‘From Farm to Fashion’’
Dhaka Bangladesh 07-08 May 2015 Training Course on “Strengthening Extension Activities and Quality Seed Production of Cotton”
Multan Pakistan 28-30 August 2013 Training Course on ‘Quality Improvement: Seed Quality and Preparation’ in Pakistan
Faisalabad Pakistan 09-11 July 2013 Training Course on ‘Plant Protection: Diseases’ in Pakistan
Kampala Uganda 15-17 January 2013 Training Course on ‘Agronomy: Soil Tillage’ in Uganda
Maputo Mozambique 14-18 January 2013 Training Course on ‘Agronomy: Crop Rotation and Management’ in Mozambique
Atakpamé Togo 20-22 December 2012 Training Course on ‘Fiber Technology: Contamination’ in Togo
Koutiala Mali 15-17 October 2012 Training Course on ‘Fiber Technology: Lint Quality’ in Mali
Wad Medani Sudan 27-29 August 2012 Training Course on ‘Plant Protection: Diseases and Insects’ in Sudan
Gence Azerbaijan 11-13 June 2012 Training Course on 'Cotton Diseases and Control' in Azerbaijan
Kampala Uganda 11-13 June 2012 Training Course on 'Agronomy: Fertilization' in Uganda
Kolda Senegal 15-17 November 2011 Training Course on 'Plant Protection: Insects' in Senegal
Dhaka Bangladesh 15-17 November 2011 Training Course on 'Breeding and Biotechnology: Hybridization' in Bangladesh
Atakent Kazakhstan 28-30 September 2011 Training Course on 'Quality Improvement: Seed Quality and Preparation' in Kazakhstan
Gence Azerbaijan 22-24 June 2011 Training Course on 'Breeding and Biotechnology: Pedigree Selection' in Azerbaijan
Kampala Uganda 20-22 June 2011 Training Course on 'Plant Protection and Disease' in Uganda
Casablanca Morocco 27-28 September 2010 The Fourth Steering Committee Meeting and the Third Project Committee Meeting on Cotton of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference
Antalya Türkiye 12 May 2008 The First Meeting of the Steering Committee for the OIC Cotton Cooperation Programme
Istanbul Türkiye 12-13 November 2007 Forum on Enhancement and Promotion of Trade and Investment in Cotton Sector among OIC Member Countries