Recent Issues

OIC Environment Report (2023)

OIC Environment Report (2021)

OIC Environment Report (2019)

OIC Environment Report (2017)


Although environmental changes are underway since centuries, their speed and intensity have increased tremendously in recent times. There is ample scientific evidence connecting these rapid changes with the anthropogenic (human) activities related to industrial production, agriculture and transportation. Undoubtedly. changes in important environmental variables like temperature, rainfall, precipitation etc. have severe negative implications for human beings as they affect negatively the availability of necessities like food and water and deteriorate the health conditions. The OIC member countries as a group are highly vulnerable to environmental changes induced by the increasing anthropogenic activities. The situation is particularly alarming in low income and least developed member countries which are characterised by low mitigation and adaptation capacities coupled with high vulnerability to environmental degradation.

The issue of environment and sustainability is at the heart of OIC-2025 Programme of Action that guides member countries to ‘protect and preserve the environment promote sustainable production and consumption patterns and enhance capacities for disaster risk reduction and climate change mitigation and adaptation’. Over the years, Ministers of Environments from OIC member countries have convened for eight times to discuss the major issues and work out joint solutions. The SESRIC is regularly preparing a detailed report on environmental issues in OIC countries to support the technical discussions and policy debates during the Islamic Conference of Environment Ministers.