Education and Scientific Development in the OIC Member Countries 2012/2013
Date: 17 December 2012

SESRIC Report on Education and Scientific Development in the OIC Member Countries 2012-2013 analyses and examines the trends in the major indicators in the field of educational and scientific developments in the OIC member countries. It investigates these trends in a comparative manner with their counterparts in the group of developed countries, non-OIC developing countries as well as the world as a whole.

In the first part, the Report covers basic education indicators such as school age population, average years of schooling and literacy rates. It evaluates the trends in enrolment rate at all levels of education, including technical and vocational programmes, as a key indicator on the scope and access to educational services. The changes in enrolment rates have implications on demand for educational resources such as qualified teachers, physical facilities, and funding levels required providing a high-quality education services. It also investigates the progression and completion in education and examines educational resources and teaching conditions, including government expenditures on education.

The Second part of the Report is devoted to the scientific developments. It highlights the current stance of R&D and S&T in the OIC member countries in terms of evaluating their average performance in terms of some related indicators such as human resources in R&D, R&D expenditures, high technology exports, scientific publications and patent applications. In so doing, the Report highlights a number of constraints and challenges confronting the member countries in their efforts to foster their educational and scientific development.

Online electronic version

Education and Scientific Development in the OIC Member Countries 2012/2013 (English) (Arabic) (French)