Labour Migration Trends and Policies in OIC Member Countries
Date: 17 August 2021

OIC countries are both senders and receivers of millions of international migrants, accounting for 31% of global emigration and 27% of global immigration. The majority of migrants are economic migrants, who leave their country of origin purely for economic reasons. Empirical data and evidence suggest that protecting the rights of migrant workers enhances the development and productivity benefits of migration, while the violation of their rights contributes to social and economic disintegration.

At the OIC cooperation level, migrant workers have been part of several strategic documents and action plans. The OIC Ten Year Programme of Action 2016-2025 (OIC-2025) aims at fostering cooperation for exchange of expertise and manpower and promoting transfer of knowledge, experiences and best practices in the area of migration. Similarly, migrant and foreign contract labour is one of the six main components of the OIC Framework for Cooperation on Labour, Employment and Social Protection, which aims to increase the constructive effects of migration for development. Another critical document in the area of labour is the OIC Labour Market Strategy 2025, which pays special attention to migrant workers within the framework of promoting labour productivity.

In this connection, this outlook report aims to assess the current trends and policies in OIC countries with respect to labour migration. It presents a broad overview of the nature of migration, its impacts on development for both sending and hosting countries. It also provides a review of laws and policies pertaining to the management of migrant workers in OIC countries. A number of policy recommendations have been made for OIC countries to address some of the challenges faced by the migrant workers and better utilize their potential.

Online Electronic Version

Labour Migration Trends and Policies in OIC Member Countries (English)