Statistical Yearbook 2023
Date: 01 August 2024

SESRIC released the 2023 edition of its Statistical Yearbook on OIC Member Countries on 1 August 2024.

The Statistical Yearbook on OIC Member Countries 2023 covers 251 socio-economic statistical indicators under 22 categories for the period between 2000 and the most recent available year covered in the OIC Statistics Database (OICStat).

The categories covered in the Statistical Yearbook on OIC Member Countries 2023 include Agriculture, Banking, Money and Prices, Demography, Disasters and Emergency Events, Education, Energy, Environment, Gender, Health, Industry and Manufacturing, International Finance, International Trade, Islamic Banking and Finance, Labour and Social Protection, National Accounts, Science, Technology and Innovation, Social Development, Tobacco Control, Tourism, Transportation and Communication, Water, and Youth.

Released first in 1980, the content of the subsequent editions of the Statistical Yearbook has been continuously revised and enriched. The 2023 edition of the Statistical Yearbook also visualizes positive signs of post-COVID 19 recovery in some areas. In the OIC in 2022, the trade-to-GDP ratio surged by 8.4%, real GDP grew by 5.5%, labour force participation increased by 0.5%, unemployment fell by 0.7%, and immunization coverage among 1-year-olds improved by at least 1%. Conversely, the Yearbook also indicates a trend of rising consumer prices worldwide.

The Statistical Yearbook on OIC Member Countries aims at serving as a reference publication for evidence-based decision making concerning possible areas of cooperation and integration at the OIC level and thus contributes to increasing statistical awareness among the decision makers in OIC countries. To this end, the Statistical Yearbook gives the readers the opportunity to follow up on the trend in the performance of the individual country as well as the performance of the OIC member countries as a group vis-à-vis the world average in all the selected indicators.

Online Electronic Version

  • Statistical Yearbook on OIC Member Countries 2023 (English)