Training Course on ‘System of National Accounts’
Date: 20-21 November 2024
Venue: Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara - Türkiye

Within the framework of its Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC, in collaboration with the Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT), organised a Training Course on “System of National Accounts” on 20-21 November 2024.

Mr. Alptekin KONURALP, an expert from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT), conducted the training course, benefiting 53 participants representing National Statistical Offices (NSOs) from 15 OIC countries.

The main objective of the training course was to enhance the capacities of participants in understanding and applying statistical methodologies and best practices in the area of business demography and statistical business registers.

The following topics were covered during the training course:

  • Introduction and Organizational Structure of National Accounts
  • Introduction to National Accounts (basic concepts)
  • Institutional Sectors and Sequence of Accounts
  • Calculation of GDP (Supply-Use Tables, Data Sources)
  • Calculation of GDP (Volume Measures)

The presentations of the training course are available at this link.

The StatCaB Programme was initiated in early 2007 as the flagship capacity development programme of SESRIC. Within the framework of the StatCaB Programme, the Centre collects information from the NSOs of OIC member countries through the biennial StatCaB Questionnaire, assesses their statistical training needs and capacities, matches these needs and capacities, and organises statistical capacity development activities between the beneficiary and provider countries. For more information on the SESRIC Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, please visit: