Training Course on ’Enhancing Policies and Strategies for Effective TVET Systems in OIC Member Countries’
Date: 01-03 October 2024
Venue: Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara - Türkiye

Within the framework of its Project titled “Empowering Youth through Enhancing Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET): A Pathway to Employment and Success,” SESRIC organised a Training Course on “Enhancing Policies and Strategies for Effective TVET Systems in OIC Member Countries” on 1-3 October 2024. The Project is funded by the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the Organisation of the Islamic Cooperation (COMCEC) under the 11th Call for Project Proposals of the COMCEC Project Funding.

The training course, held online, was attended by 82 executives and experts from the ministries of education and relevant TVET national institutions across 20 OIC countries.

The objective of the training was to provide policymakers and practitioners in member countries with insights on developing and implementing effective TVET policies and strategies, aimed at equipping young people with the necessary skills for the 21st century workforce, contributing to sustainable and inclusive economic development.

The training was delivered by a competent professor from Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, followed by a presentation from UNDP Türkiye.

Key topics addressed during the training course included:

  • The Importance of TVET for the OIC Countries;
  • Priority Areas for TVET in OIC Countries;
  • Fundamental Principles for Building Strong TVET Programs;
  • Governance and Legislative Framework;
  • Establishing a Financing System for TVET;
  • Teacher Education;
  • Building a Strong TVET Curriculum;
  • Partnership with Other Actors;
  • Developing a Policy for a Common Certification System.

The COMCEC Coordination Office (CCO) introduced the COMCEC Project Funding (CPF) in 2013, a financing mechanism that funds projects submitted by the OIC countries and relevant OIC Institutions. The funding is provided in the form of a grant through the Development and Investment Bank of the Republic of Türkiye, a main body in the CPF scheme. Since the initiation of CPF, SESRIC has implemented 13 projects so far under various cooperation areas and sectoral themes determined by the CCO.

The presentations of the training course are available at this link.

For more details about SESRIC projects funded by the COMCEC, please visit: