Training Course on 'Auditing Local Governments'
Date: 08-09 April 2025
Venue: Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara - Türkiye

Within the framework of the Public Audit Capacity Building Programme (PAU-CAB) and in collaboration with the Turkish Court of Accounts (Sayıştay), SESRIC will organise a Training Course on “Auditing Local Governments” on 8-9 April 2025 through an online video conferencing platform.

The training course aims to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and good practices in local government auditing by addressing the challenges and opportunities in ensuring effective and transparent audits within local government systems. It will focus on practical strategies for enhancing audit methodologies and processes, strengthening internal controls, and improving overall accountability within local governments across OIC member countries.

The insights from experts at the Turkish Court of Accounts will cover critical topics such as the general framework of auditing local governments, audit planning, risk modelling, and evaluation of information systems. Case studies will also showcase the contribution of auditing to local governments, offering valuable lessons that can be adapted and implemented across other OIC member countries, ultimately aiming to strengthen governance and improve public sector accountability.

For more details on the Public Audit Capacity Building Programme (PAU-CaB) and its activities, please visit: