Training Course on 'Statistical Confidentiality and Disclosure Protection' in Nigeria
Date: 24-25 November 2014
Venue: Abuja - Nigeria

In accordance with its 2014 Annual Work Plan, SESRIC organised the Training Course on 'Statistical Confidentiality and Disclosure Protection' at the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) in Abuja, Nigeria on 24-25 November 2014, within the framework of the Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme. The Course was provided by Ms. Doreen Ninsiima Kasozi, Senior Standards Officer at Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) with the participation of relevant officials of NBS.

The subject area 'Statistical Confidentiality and Disclosure Protection' is currently classified under the “Methodology of Data Collection, Processing, Dissemination and Analysis” domain.

The training course on 'Statistical Confidentiality and Disclosure Protection' included group exercise, case studies and practical sessions, and covered the following topics:

  • Basic terminology and descriptions
  • Rationale for Statistical Confidentiality and Disclosure Protection
  • Context for Statistical Confidentiality and Disclosure Protection
    • The Global context- UN Fundamental Principles
    • The Regional Context: African Charter for Statistics, SHaSa,
    • National Context: The UBOS Act, 1998, the Plan for National Statistical Development, the Quality Policy and Uganda Standards for Statistics US 942 and 943, Standard 3435…
    • Organisational and Operational Context: Disclosure Controls (anoymisation of data, oath of secrecy, enforcement, ) and
    • Confidentiality Mechanisms for data collection, data analysis and dissemination, and Structures.
  • Statistical Confidentiality and disclosure protection in statistical work
    • Current Efforts
    • Critical Requirements
    • Statistics Production Cycle
    • Observing Statistical Confidentiality in statistical work (Compliance and reporting)
    • Mechanisms for disclosure protection in statistical work (controls and guiding principles)
