Regional Workshop on the 2020 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses: International Standards and Contemporary Technologies
Date: 12-15 March 2019
Venue: Ankara - Türkiye

The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) and United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) jointly organised the ‘Regional Workshop on the 2020 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses: International Standards and Contemporary Technologies’ on 12-15 March 2019 at SESRIC Headquarters in Ankara, Turkey.

Twenty-one delegates from the National Statistical Offices (NSOs) of 11 OIC countries, namely Albania, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Gambia, Indonesia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Turkey, and Uganda, as well as the representatives of the UNSD and UNFPA of Tajikistan and Turkey Country Offices attended the Workshop.

HE. Amb. Musa Kulaklıkaya, Director General of SESRIC, delivered the Welcoming Remarks. He highlighted the importance of the censuses as a main source of data that steers the policy design in development planning. Amb. Kulaklıkaya also shared important figures from the Population, Housing and Establishments Census 2017 of Palestine conducted by Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) to show how important census results could be for the countries. The Director General also pointed out that the introduction of electronic data collection technologies could be costly in the initial stages, however application of advanced technologies into census processes will definitely increase the timeliness and quality of census data. Amb. Kulaklıkaya also underlined that in order to achieve set goals outlined in the OIC-2025 Plan of Action, timely and relevant data and information are required for the member countries and the Organisation itself.

The objectives of the Workshop were to help OIC countries to achieve a common and improved understanding of the process of adopting new technologies/methodologies in conducting population and housing censuses and collecting data according to internationally recommended definitions and classifications.

The 4-day Workshop covered the following substantive topics:

  • Essential features, basic definitions, census methodologies and topics
  • Key considerations for planning and management of census operations
  • Planning and implementing a census geospatial programme
  • Adoption of electronic data collection technologies
  • Management Information System
  • Data processing with a focus on editing process and applications

The Workshop also provided a platform to discuss good practices among OIC countries and the potential challenges and risks that have to be taken into consideration for the successful adoption of contemporary technologies in censuses.




  • Session 3: OIC Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme (English)


  • Session 2: Global Programmes in Support of 2020 Round Population and Housing Censuses (English)
  • Session 4: Basic Definitions and Methodologies of Population and Housing Censuses (English)
  • Session 5: Key Considerations for Planning and Management of Census Operations (English)
  • Session 6: Recommended Population and Housing Topics (English)
  • Session 7: Planning and Implementing a Census Geospatial Programme (English)
  • Session 8: Use of Electronic Data Collection Technologies (Main Drivers and Decision-Making Process) (English)
  • Session 9: Use of Handheld Electronic Devices for Census Data Collection (English)
  • Session 11: Data Collection with the Internet (English)
  • Session 12: Considerations for Planning Census Operations with Multi-Mode Data Collection Methods (English)
  • Session 13: Management Information System and Other Tools for Management and Monitoring of Field Enumeration (English)

By Countries

Group Discussions

  • Session 10: Benefits and Challenges of Integrating Geospatial Information in Censuses for Supporting Field Enumeration and Dissemination >> Group 1 (English) and Group 2 (English)
  • Session 14: Benefits and Challenges of Adoption of Electronic Data Collection Technologies in Population and Housing Censuses >> Group 1 (English) and Group 2 (English)
